With so much information on the web, many of you probably use read it later web applications such as Pocket, Instapaper, Wallabag. I recently discovered and started to use Wallabag application. In this post I will share some thoughts about how Wallabag can help stay more productive.
Wallabag is much better option than using default web browser bookmarks, files or folders with the links or saved pages. While Google allows to retrieve any link later, it takes time to find the link that you saw before. You also do not want every time to research same topic for links. More effectively is just search one time, save links and later use saved links.
Below are few ideas how to use Wallabag in order to get most of it and to be more productive.
1. Use tags to label most interesting or most useful pages (links). Tags may be related to the content. They also can include next action that you want to do with the content on the page. This way later you can easy locate links that you need.
2. Once you read page mark it as read and this will put in archive. If you just reviewed quickly page and not going read it later, still put it archive. That way you will have manageable number of unread links that you can act on.
3. Do not collect many links without any action. Try to make action on links and archive not needed or processed links asap.
4. If you want add notes not connected with any links, just use outside storage like Google Drive which give you link to enter to Wallabag.
5. Use as much as possible Wallabag functionality. There are features like tagging rules, export, import, rss that can be very useful.
6. With Wallabag API you can increase even more in case you like doing web developing or hacking. For example it would be nice extract notes or summary of content that you read each month or quarter. There are some API examples that I put as starting point:
Python API Example with Wallabag Web Application for Extracting Entries and Quotes
I use my own self hosted instance at here You are welcome to try it and / or play with API.
If you have ideas, comments or suggestions I would love to hear.
Wallabag on github
Wallabag: An open source alternative to Pocket